There are many titles in the domain of mobile gaming with similar gameplay. What makes Crazy Defense Heroes different is its beautiful 2D interface, vibrant colors, and immersive sound effects. Moreover, it also comes with a feature of earning money through in-game tokens and NFTs.
Crazy Defense Heroes Review
The game is not simply a tower-defense game rather it mixes in various elements of a trading-card game and role-playing game. The game gives the options of pauses and fast-forwards without any charges. Besides, energy is the most important resource in the game.
Energy is scarce, you will receive 1 energy every 9 minutes. If you waste it, you need to wait for around an hour to play again. Additionally, you will need energy to scavenge, attack, and start a mission.
The game uses the TOWER token for the internal economy which can be used to buy energy, NFTs, and other assets. The TOWER token is earned through manners, either by grinding in the game or by participating in different events in the game.
Currently, no one is allowed to cash the in-game tower tokens, however, the developers promise that soon it will be allowed as the token pool expands credibly.
Now watch the video game review of – Crazy Defense Heroes:
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